Quantum-Based Initiative
for Classification and Optimization.

October, Popayán, Colombia

About The Event

About The Event

The Qubico-Hack event is a dynamic platform bridging quantum computing enthusiasts and experts, aiming to explore the vast potential and practical applications of this cutting-edge technology.


Online, Colombia and Germany


Challenge Release: October 1st, 2024
Judging: February, 2025
Brazil conference deadline: March

Leading Team

Here are some of our team

Speaker 1

Felix Goavers

Fraunhofer Institute for Communication

Speaker 2

Santiago Garcia Chicangana

UC3M Researcher | CS Master's Student

Speaker 3

Sebastián A. Cajas

AI Scientist @CeADAR | @Harvard

Speaker 4

Camilo Segura

Full-stack React Developer

Speaker 5

Francisco José Muñoz

Business Administration St.

Speaker 5

Carlos Duran

AESS Unicauca president, Physics Engineering St

Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule

To find out more about our schedule, follow our social media

October, 2024

Registration and Welcome

October 15, 2024 (Tentative)

Release of the Hackathon Challenge

February, 2024

Final Judging of Submissions

October, 2024

Start of the Challenge

January, 2025

Submission Deadline for Phase 1

March 1, 2025

Submission Deadline for Final Papers

Submission Process

Follow these steps to submit your entry:

  1. Download the data from the provided link.
  2. Download the baseline code from our platform.
  3. Test the baseline code on your local machine.
  4. Run the baseline code on the downloaded data.
  5. Obtain the CSV file containing the evaluation metrics.
  6. Upload the CSV file to our platform for benchmarking and evaluation.


Promoting Quantum Computing Adoption: The mission is to drive the adoption of quantum computing and advanced technologies in developing countries, establishing a framework for efficient implementation.


Innovative Solutions: The vision is to be the first group of Colombian and German youths to create innovative solutions that strengthen key sectors in both countries and serve as a replicable model in middle and low-income countries.


Quantum Computing Introduction: Explore quantum computing's potential and applications, guiding participants towards future innovations. Expert-Learner Connection: Connect experts with enthusiasts, fostering collaboration and opportunities. Global Impact: Partnering with Fraunhofer Institute to advance quantum computing interest and progress globally.

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

Colegio Mayor, Popayan

Founded in the heart of Popayán, Colombia, Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor del Cauca stands as a beacon of academic excellence and cultural heritage. Nestled amidst the cobblestone streets and colonial architecture of this historic city, Unimayor offers a vibrant educational environment where tradition meets innovation.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The challenge primarily revolves around solving target optimization problems using quantum computing techniques. Participants will delve into applying advanced algorithms, such as the Focker-Planck equation, to optimize various tasks through quantum computation.

  • The challenge involves tasks that can be extended to compute multiple measurements, thereby enabling participants to explore diverse optimization scenarios. Scoring is based on both baseline tasks and extension tasks, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of participants' solutions.

  • Participants are encouraged to leverage quantum computing principles and techniques, such as quantum-inspired algorithms and optimization methods. Additionally, familiarity with the Focker-Planck equation and its application in quantum optimization will be beneficial for tackling the challenge effectively.

  • Participants will have access to datasets, baseline algorithms, and relevant documentation to facilitate their understanding and implementation of quantum optimization techniques. Additionally, technical support and guidance will be available throughout the challenge duration.

  • Submissions will be evaluated based on various criteria, including the effectiveness of the optimization approach, the accuracy of results, and the scalability of the solution. Additionally, creativity, innovation, and the incorporation of quantum computing principles will be considered during the judging process.

  • 1) Download the provided datasets for optimization tasks.
    2) Implement the baseline algorithms or develop custom optimization techniques using quantum computing principles.
    3) Test the algorithms and ensure they meet the specified criteria for accuracy and efficiency.
    4) Generate a CSV file containing the optimization metrics and results.
    5) Submit the solution through the designated platform for evaluation by the judging panel.



Contact Us


Universidad del Cauca, Colombia

Phone Number


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